Grapevine Trunk Disease in British Columbia: From Identification to Control

Posted Jan 28th, 2019 in Protection et surveillance des cultures

Grapevine Trunk Disease in British Columbia: From Identification to Control

Research Update from Summerland Research & Development Center Wine Grape Research. José R. Úrbz-Torres and Daniel T. O'Gorman, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. January 2019

Grapevine Trunk Diseases in British Columbia: From Identification to Control

Field surveys were conducted between 2010 and 2013 in over 200 vineyards by the Plant Pathology research team at the Summerland Research and Development Centre (SuRDC) to answer some of these questions. These field studies included assesment of foliar symptomatology from over 60,000 vines and pathogen isolation and identification from over 500 symptomatic vines. Additionally, worked was conducted to develop molecular diagnostic tools to accurately and rapidly identify GTD fungi.

Click to read the full report: Grapevine Trunk Diseases in British Columbia: From Identification to Control

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